Welcome to the Holy Shrine of Imam Riza-A.S
This weblog is lunched to help the dear non-Iranian pilgrims to prform a comfortable spiritual pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Imam Riza(A.S) in Mashhad, Iran

قابل توجه علاقمندان کلاس STS 

برای آموزش مجازی (از طریق اینترنت) ترجمه و مقاله نویسی انگلیسی ثبت نام به عمل می آید. علاقمندان می توانند از طریق آدرس ایمیل زیر اطّلاعات کسب کنند


شرایط ویژه‌ی کلاس‌های گروهی


 ثبت نام کلاس‌های گروهی (3تا 5 نفر) کارگاه ترجمه و نگارش انگلیسی برای ساعت‌های زیر آغاز شد.

گروه یک (صبح‌ها): روزهای زوج  از ساعت 10 الی ساعت 11

گروه 2 (شب‌ها): دوشنبه  و چهار شنبه از ساعت 9 الی 10شب

شهریه‌ هر نفر برای یک ساعت 10000 (ده هزار) تومان. شهریه‌ 10 جلسه به ده جلسه دریافت می گردد.

برای اطلاعات بیشتر می توانید با شماره تلفن 09153025668 تماس بگیرید.

 This book includes 26 memories from the blessings of Imam Reza(A.S). Most of them were the author's own experience or witnessed by him. Some others are told by his close friends or adoppted from authentic sources such as the weekly periodical of Haram Magazine, allocated to the Shafa Yaftagan (those incurable ill people healed miraculously at the holy shrine due to Imam Reza's blessings).r

The price of the book is $2.5 U.S. +$1.5for transportation (total in Iranian Rial=40000 Rials). If you wish to recieve the book in Mashad, please send me an email before leaving your country for Mashad. I will arrange to deliver it at your hotel.

My email address: azimsarvdalir@yahoo.com.

    ّFor reading the table of contents and the introduction of the book please  clik:ادامه مطلبbelow

 ادامه مطلب...

ارسال شده در تاریخ : پنج شنبه 14 خرداد 1398برچسب:Blessings,Imam Reza,Imam Riza,Miraculously Healed Ones,Shifa,Those who gained shifa,, :: 6:20 :: توسط : Azim Sarvdalir

 This is a guide book to the holy shrine of Imam Reza in Mashad, Iran and the other historical and sacred sites around Mashad. It includes detailed explanations about the places and different programs, rites and rituals in the holy shrine in the form of dialogues. With reading this book you will never need to ask anybody in the complex. To recieve a copy of the book you need only to send me an email before leaving your country. I will arrange to deliver a copy in your hotel. The price is only ten United States dollars plus the transfer cost about $2, in Iranian money rates about 12000 toomans.The book includes colorful unique pictures introducing the places and ceremonies.

The Email Address: azimsarvdalir@yahoo.com

ادامه مطلب مورد نظر رمز دارد.
لطفا رمز عبور مربوط به مطلب را وارد کرده ، دکمه تایید را کلیک کنید.


ارسال شده در تاریخ : پنج شنبه 12 خرداد 1398برچسب:Guide Book to the Shrine of Imam Reza-A,S,Imam Riza,Imam Reza,Mashad,Mashhad,Iran,Guide,, :: 7:24 :: توسط : Azim Sarvdalir

1- Imam Ridha as berkata:" Sesungguhnya Allah swt memerintahkan hambanya supaya bersyukur kepadanya dan kepada kedua orang tuanya, oleh karena itu barang siapa yang tidak bersyukur kepada kedua orang tuanya maka pada hakikatnya ia tidak bersyukur kepada Allah swt".( Al-Khishal, halaman 156)


2- Imam Ridha as berkata: Barang siapa yang melakukan kewajibannya terhadap orang-orang mu'min maka Allah swt dan para malaikat akan bangga dengannya.( Mustadrak Al-wasail,jilid 2 halaman 413).


3- Imam Ridha as berkata: Ketahuilah bahwasannya, tidak ada wara' yang lebih bermanfaat daripada menjauhi larangan-larangan Allah swt dan tidak menyakiti orang mu'min.(Fiqh Al-ridha as, halaman 356).


 ادامه مطلب...

"Promised Guests"


 The precincts of the holy chamber

Equally parted by the glass

The crowd of hearts rushing through

The open doors of gold and brass


Eyes are wandering, hands are drawn

Hearts are focusing on a center known

Absent from eyes felt by the hearts

At every moments, noon and the dawn


Innocents, the sinful have been warmly

Welcomed morally by the kindest host

Urban, villagers, white and the black

With a neat clothing, or the face with dust


One side the ladies the other the men

Crying, praying, seeking the cure

Of pains of the heart and the illness more

Thousands, hundreds, and dozens of ten


All were promised surely by the lord

To be replied on Revival Day

At Bridge, and Recon, and Record of the deed

Pilgrims visiting the Shrine three fold


Not a bit of pain may a person gain

Of crowd of men, feelings embodied

All wishing for human, being goodness

All around the world, wherever they lived


Hand s are stretched towards the heaven

Under the dome with colorful mirrors

Where upon Qandils of swinging bright

Amongst the tiles, blue and green


The chamber surrounded upon which there are

Four of gold vases, holding tulips

Sitting on the leaves out of branches

Saluting the guests from ways far


Many whispering with foreheads on clay

With a humble heart and the secrets to say

Pray for the sons and daughters and the mate

Being kept healthy the evils away


Azim Sarvedalir -1384/2/30

The holy shrine of Imām Riā (A.S.)


ارسال شده در تاریخ : جمعه 13 تير 1393برچسب:poem,Imam Reza,Holy Shrine,Azim Sarvdalir,عظیم سرودلیر,, :: 15:37 :: توسط : Azim Sarvdalir

Zahra My Grand daughter1

Whenever I look at my little granddaughter, Zahra, and my grandson, Muhammad Javad, I usually review the course of events that have led to the present day when I enjoy visiting my Sayyedah daughter-in-law, Marzeiah from Mashhad, my beautiful granddaughter, and my charming grandson, while myself being a Khadim of the holy shrine of Imam Riza (A.S). It began when during a summer holiday I, my wife, and our five children were sitting round at home in Qom. My wife began complaining in a happy mood, “You have never taken us to Mashad to perform a Ziyarah to the holy shrine of Imam Riza(A.S).” While feeling ashamed, I replied, “There are only two problems. The first is the lack of enough money for the bus fare and the second is a residence in Mashad

 ادامه مطلب...

The Broom of a Khadim1

It was a cold winter afternoon. Under the faint rays of the sun, Zuhre was sitting on the eroded stairs in their house, leaning against the wall and embracing her folded legs and gazing at the leafless apple and pear trees in the middle of the yard covered with snow. The half-warm rays of the sun had melted some of the snow but the stone-made water container in the yard was frozen.

Zuhre loved winter. She felt a connection between the winter cool and her own life. The life was no more beautiful for her. Her sad eyes, bonny cheeks, and weak hands expressed her internal pain and suffering.

It was after the sunset and getting dark. Her chronic headache had begun. At first she tried not to take it seriously, so she got up and began walking, but it was really serious. She held her head between her palms tightly and sat back on the stairs. Her headache soothed a bit.

 ادامه مطلب...

1-   قال الرضا علیه السلام: اِنَّ الله عَزَّوجلَّ ... اَمَرَ بالشُکْرِ لَه ولِلْوالِدینِ فمن لَمْ یَشْکُرِ والِدَیهِ لَم یَشْکُرِ الله[1]

ترجمۂ فارسی:خداوند عزّوجل امر به تشکر از خود و پدر و مادر نموده است پس کسی که سپاس گذار پدر و مادرش نباشد در حقیقت خدا را شکر نکرده است. ( [1] . الخصال ص 156-)

 ترجمۂ اردو:حضرت امام رضاعلیہ السلام ارشادفرماتےہیں:

خداوندعالمنےاپنااوروالدینکاشکریہاداکرنےکاحکمدیاہے۔لہٰذااگر کسی نے اپنے والدین کا شکریہ ادا نہ کیا  گویااسنےاللہکاشکرادانہیںکیا۔


 2-  قال الرضا علیه السلام: مَن فَعَلَ مٰا لَزِمَهُ مِن أَمرِ المُؤمنینَ بٰاهیٰ اللهُ تَعٰالَیٰ بِهِ وَمَلائِکَـــتُهُ[2]

ترجمۂ فارسی:هر کس وظائف خود را نسبت به مؤمنان انجام دهد خداوند و فرشتگاه به او مباهات می‌کنند.

 ترجمۂ اردو: جو شخص مومنین کے سلسلہ میں  اپنے فرائض کو انجام دیتا ہے، خداوند عالم  اور ملائکہ اس پر فخر و مباھات کرتے ہیں۔    


3-قال الرضا علیه السلام: اِعْلَم أَنَّـهُ لٰا وَرَعَ أَنفَعُ مِن تَجَنُّبِ مَحٰارِمِ اللهِ وَالکَفِّ أذی المــُؤمِنِ[3]

ترجمۂ فارسی:هیچ پارسايي سودمندتر از دوري از حرام و پرهیز از آزار مؤمنان نیست.

ترجمۂ اردو: جان لو کہ حرام الٰہی اورمومنین کو اذیتیں پہوچانے سے اجتناب کرنا بہترین پرھیزگاری ہے

 ادامه مطلب...

ارسال شده در تاریخ : جمعه 13 تير 1393برچسب:حضرت امام رضاعلیہ السلام ارشادفرماتےہیں,اردو,, :: 10:50 :: توسط : Azim Sarvdalir

An old picture from the holy shrine of Imam Riza (A.S.) in 1350 (A.H) A

صفحه قبل 1 2 صفحه بعد

درباره وبلاگ
Welcom to my weblog. This weblog has been lunched to help the non-Iranian pilgrims perform a comfortable spiritual pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Imam Riza (A.S) in Mashhad, Iran and give an enjoyable visit to the city.
آخرین مطالب

تبادل لینک هوشمند
برای تبادل لینک  ابتدا ما را با عنوان Welcome to the Holy Shrine of Imam Riza-A.S و آدرس imam-riza-holy-shrine.LoxBl og.ir لینک نمایید سپس مشخصات لینک خود را در زیر نوشته . در صورت وجود لینک ما در سایت شما لینکتان به طور خودکار در سایت ما قرار میگیرد.

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بازدید امروز : 31
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بازدید هفته : 116
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بازدید کل : 91232
تعداد مطالب : 18
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تعداد آنلاین : 1

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